Friday, December 28, 2007

Steak, prime rib and one bio

It's been the week of meat and I am ready for seafood or chicken to break it up. Yummy fillet last Sunday to celebrate Doug's promotion, a fat rib eye the size of a roast Monday, then bloody rare prime rib for the day after Christmas. While the food was great as usual, it's more red meat than we usually consume in a week's period. Obviously a poorly planned menu - good nonetheless.

While the holiday has had me busy with food prep and visitations I have managed to get one of the bios in good enough order to call it complete. For George Pierce (born 1871) I have the details of childhood, marriage and children. Also some great newspaper articles about him rescuing people during a bridge collapse. Also have a good obit with his picture detailing his career as a police officer, fisherman and his deftness playing cards. Couldn't ask for more.

Two of George's brothers were accused of murder and held in jail for many months and this makes for good reading. Some of the articles are poor copies, microfilm copies, and the transcription is slow on those. The bios on the brothers will take longer due to the sensationalism of the newspaper accounts of the trial and evidence. Maybe I'll put that file aside and try and shape up some of the females in the family.

Good start and it's not even January. Yippee!

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