Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sale of the goods & chattels of Wm. Pierce (dec) late of Lower Chichester. Made the 15th day of Dec. 1838.Name of Purchaser Item
Wm. Bartoe tin kettle
C Beatty stove
Thos Beeson ? scythe
H Bullock cups and saucers
H Burns brush and hammer, table
G Cox lot of brushes, pitcher, batteau
Wm Dayle looking glass
J Haranzy ? 2 milk pots, cream pot, small anchor
John Haranzy ? lot of old iron, pot rack
Isaac Haycock bucket
N Haycock cullander
Nathan Haycock pitcher VC
I Haycock washboard, lot of corks, scythe and cradle
J. H. Haycock iron __ot, 1 pair of oars
S Lamplugh audirons
Saml Lamplugh 1/2 bushell of apples
Thos Lamplugh breakfast table
John Larkin Jr frow, book
E. McCafferty rope

E. McDade keg, drawing knife, spade and mallet, old kettle, axe, jar,
lot of jugs

Wm. McGlaughlin mouse trap, maul and wedges, hoe and scythe pole, whip saw

Eliza Morton stool, dish

Edward Pierce frying pan, fishing boats, watch, gun, razor and strap, wearing apparel, wood saw, 1/2 doz. Spoons, hauling ___, batteau, large oars, small oars, sail V.C., ____blanket?, pierce new net, piece cotton net, fishing boots, hoop net, furnace V cups

Lewis Pierce knives, forks and box
L. Pierce coffee mill, 2 sad irons, corner cupboard
R. Pierce (probably Rebecca) quilting frames, 1 Yankee clock

L. Rambo bake iron
W.H. Rigby (might be William) corks and bucket, bottle
William Rigby
J. Stevenson looking glass
Thos Taylor wash tub
W. Taylor chair
Issac Toy
T.J. Valentine pitch pot
Joseph Walker lot of wood
L. Walker (probably Lydia) shovel and tongs, jar, ___ffer tray, 2 bottles, teapot
Lydia Walker hatchet, dipping pan, pitcher, 2 chairs, wash tub, case drawer

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