Thursday, January 31, 2008

Anna Pierce Cairns

While I was supposed to finishing up the newspaper transcripts some new information came my way about Anna Cairns and Margaret Worrilow. A huge shout out to Chris T. from Essington and Barb S. from Aston for helping me with a mystery!
In the Pierce grave lots in Chester Rural Cemetery there are a few names that I couldn't link to the family. Had to be family somehow or they wouldn't be buried with James and Edna Pierce - but what is the relationship?? Well I put those questions on the back burner while I typed up the facts I had on hand. Thank you ladies for solving the mystery. ;o)

Section M, Lot 112 has James Pierce, Margaret Worrilow, Laura Slawter, James Pierce, Jack Cairns and Edna Pierce.
The James in grave 1 hanged himself in 1900; he is the son of James and Edna Pierce. This lot was purchased by the father when his son committed suicide. Laura Slawter turns out to be James Sr's daughter (she married George Slawter). That left me wondering who was Margaret and Jack. Turns out Jack is the young son of Anna and John Cairns. Jack died January 29, 1923. The photo is of Anna taken somewhere in Chester. Possibly outside her home. It was provided to me by cousin Terry and cropped and cleaned up by cousin Char. Thank you ladies!
Margaret is James Jr's widow. Evidently she remarried a man named Worrilow and the Pierce's had her buried with them. Barbara kindly supplied me with the obituary and that was a real treat! I will have to update later.

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