Monday, September 8, 2008

31 Upland Road

My cousin Eileen was gracious enough to share this wonderful photo that shows 4 generations of my family. The only Pierce in the photo is my mother.

The photo was taken at 31 Upland Road in Upland, sometimes the boundaries made it Parkside. The time frame must have been about 1944 because the baby in the photo is my sister Linda.

The beautiful young lady standing on the right is Estelle Pierce Jackson. The woman holding the baby is Margaretta Wynyall (Van Riper) Dalton and the baby, Linda Jeane Jackson, is her great granddaughter. The woman seated behind is Margaretta Wynyall (Dalton) Jackson.

On the left side is William Harvey Jackson (husband of Margaretta), seated is Catharine Wynyall (Dalton) Campion and the cute little girl is her daughter Eileen.

Please click on the photo for a larger view. Thank you Eileen, this photo is a real treasure to me!

1 comment:

Esme said...

I adore old black and white photos. Thank you for sharing.